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The Marche Polytechnic University (Università Politecnica delle Marche) is an Italian university institute based in the city of Ancona, founded in 1969. It was the first Italian university to obtain the Integrated Quality Certification according to the international ISO 9001 standards, therefore the Marche Polytechnic University is a regional reference for the training of Italian and foreign students.

The University offers 5 Faculties: Engineering, Economics, Agriculture, Medicine, Science.Over the years, several branches have been opened in other Marche cities such as Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Macerata, Pesaro and San Benedetto del Tronto.

In the city of Ancona, the university is divided into three poles: Monte Dago, which houses the Faculties of Engineering, Agriculture and Science; Torrette, home of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, next to the Regional Hospital in the Torrette district of the city of Ancona;Villarey, home of the Faculty of Economics, housed in the former Villarey barracks, built in the nineteenth century.

School of economics and business: the bachelor and master degree courses in Economics will educate further professionals in the management of companies and institutions, also operating internationally. The student is provided with adequate general and basic scientific methods, knowledge and professional skills at the level of: administration and management of companies, marketing and management of commercial activities, finance, business organization, international trade, financial intermediaries, management of complex structures in the healthcare sector and more generally the Public Administration.



We – people, businesses, authorities and societies – are standing on the threshold of unprecedented change. Answers to ensuring sustainable growth in the future will not be found in the past. They will be found by thinking new thoughts – and thinking green. Green innovation is about new technology, new mindsets, new ways of doing things – and not least new types of collaborations. The key word is innovation – not only in educational institutions, but also in companies. That’s why we at AAU Business School have a sharp focus on turning technology of the future into business. 

We bridge the gap between business and science. That goes for our education and for our research. Because we know that precisely this combination is crucial to how we succeed in shaping the future in new ways. We need to do things in new ways, which makes sense – on every bottom line. 

As part of Aalborg University, we educate students with a can-do attitude, and who are trained to deal with and solve actual problems. Students who dare raise their eyes, ask questions and challenge the status quo. We believe these traits are preconditions for creating change, and our students are passionate about making a difference. About moving something or someone to new places. Always with a specific starting point. 

The same goes for our research. The prerequisite for our work is relevant research of the highest quality. We, therefore, take current trends and issues into account in all the knowledge we produce. Only then can we contribute with business-critical insights that make a difference outside the university walls. It is our commitment to the outside world. And we are proud to live up to it. 

Essentially, we are here to create value for society and the companies and organisations that are its engine. It’s about education and research, but it’s also about creating the right connections between knowledge, companies and competences right where we are – in North Jutland. Our close, regional collaboration is unique not only in Denmark, but also internationally. And this combination is fruitful for identifying and developing solutions and business models that work for the future. 

AAU Business School – making minds work for tomorrow

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The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is one of the leading Austrian universities of applied sciences. At 4 locations in the central region of Upper Austria, we offer scientifically sound, practice-oriented studies with international recognition. In our second area of competence, we service the economy with innovative results from our research and development.

Steyr started its first degree programme in 1995 and is one of the pioneers in the sector of applied sciences. 

Teaching: The Steyr campus offers 12 international, innovative Bachelor's and Master's programmes to all managers who want to take off internationally and shape the digital world of tomorrow. Controlling and Finance, Marketing and Sales, Production, Logistics, Digital Business or Process Management and Business Intelligence are the thematic focus. More than 100 professors and research assistants teach and research in the internationally top-ranked degree programmes and research groups.

Students in the academic year 2019/2020: 1,370


Research: At the Steyr campus, research and development are focused on management and digitisation. In particular, researchers* examine various aspects of digitisation from a management and corporate perspective in order to support decision-making and action processes in practice. 





CONFORM – Consulenza, Formazione e Management S.c.a.r.l. has been working since 1995 at national and international level, promoting and implementing important research projects, training plans with innovative classroom and e-learning formats and solutions, providing consultancy and technical assistance to companies and the Public Sector, with the support of expert personnel and a consolidated team of trainers, consultants, professionals, managers and entrepreneurs, bearers of successful experience.

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Founded in 1431 the Erhverv Norddanmark Chamber of Commerce is by far the oldest organization of its kind in Denmark. Counting 650+ members it is also the largest – and we like to think the strongest as well.


We bring together companies and people working in trade, industry, service, and liberal professions to make the Aalborg region desirable to operate and develop business in.

Creating dynamic networks we have a number of focus area that we fight for. It has always been like that. Half a millennium ago, we concentrated on things of importance to the merchants of the city of Aalborg – today we are fighting for topics with a broad interest in business and in the North Denmark Region.


We strive to be the link that established and develops collaboration between business, education and the public sector.



Tampere Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a leading business organisation in the Tampere Region. It represents over 2 200 companies and members from the private sector, ranging from industry to services and companies of all sizes. Tampere CCI strives towards:

  • Furthering and promoting the business interests of the community

  • Providing networking opportunities

  • Creating a strong local economy

  • Promoting the Tampere region and it’s opportunities for businesses of all sizes

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Agreement n. 2020-1-I T02-K A203-079882

Università Politecnica delle Marche

Facoltà di Economia "Giorgio Fuà"

Piazzale Martelli 8, 60121 Ancona, Italy



Phone: (+39) 0712207221


Referent: Prof. Silvio Cardinali

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